January 28, 2011
January 11, 2011
Down Under!=)
- Chloe
- Jeanne
- Jen
- Li Ting
- Nik Atikah
University of Adelaide (25 ppl)
- Adila
- Ashuvynni
- Bee Ling
- Caleb Sio
- Choi May
- Farrell
- Kai Yuan
- Khir
- Lily
- Maisarah
- Mei Yee
- Nur Ainina
- Sebastian Leong
- Shalini
- Shang Qi
- Sharveen
- Siew King
- Syakirin
- Sze Ching
- Tai Yong Fung
- Tao
- Wan Yu
- Xue Yin
- Zubin
- Zul
University of New South Wales (6 ppl)
- Badi
- Elaine
- Farah Hanim
- Nisha
- Syairah
- Yan Ni
University of Queensland (6 ppl)
- Hasniza
- Hui Hui
- Jocinda
- Mohd. Syazwan
- Nurul Izzaty
- Tan Han Shen
Monash University (6 ppl)
- Ainaa
- Ameen
- Chai Yee Ling
- Danny
- Hamidi
- Wallace Wang
Australian National University (11 ppl)
- Ahmad
- Ariah Wani
- Hunter
- Jarry
- Kuan Hsi
- Pam
- Renu
- Rui Rong
- Talitha
- Yen Wei
- Yugathes
University of Sydney (7 ppl)
- Afiqah
- Aini
- Eunice
- Kamal
- Nazrin
- Xandra
- Yasmin
University of Western Australia (1 person)
- Naquiah
Victoria University of Wellington ( 2 ppl)
- Amalina
- Nazihah
Newcastle University (6 ppl)
- Afini
- Ahmad Safwan
- Atikah
- Farhanah
- Ran May
- Wani
Canterburry University (2 ppl)
- Aiman
- Hamzah
Otago University (3 ppl)
- Benny
- Sakinah
- Syamila
BOND University (7 ppl)
- Aisyah
- Amal
- Anis Suhaila
- Juana
- Muzakkir
- Razin
- Syafiq
Taylor's Lakeside Campus (4 ppl)
- Arif
- Asyraf
- Hafiyfiy
- Syamil
University of Reading (1 person)
- Ruwaydah
University of Western Sydney (1 person)
- Harun
Lancaster University, UK (1 person)
- Zaimah
It has been indeed a fruitful and an awesome year in Taylor's! It had built my resilience throughout! Here I would like to wish all my friends success and do keep in touch which ever university you people are ending up! Lets rock in Australia! Will be flying in less than a month! Hope everything goes on well! That's all for now! Blog more soon! Take care people! Have a splendid 2011! Adios!!=)
November 27, 2010
Every beginning has an end!!!
September 30, 2010
Imagine being homeless....
Imagine having no national identity..
Imagine not being able to enter school...
Imagine not being cared for...
But just imagine being cared for by one person.. It makes a big difference in one's life.. This is what Harvest Center in Sentul all about... It prevents every negative elements of life from attacking a child by just simply caring for that child by making world a better place to live in..
Harvest Centre is a centre which educates those children who has the passion to learn but has not financial ability in doing so. The kids were those who were underprivileged, has no family support as well as refugees. They comprised of a child as young as a toddler to the age of 17.
Today, we made a visit to this centre. The SAM Fiesta committee decided to do its part by contributing something to the centre through the proceeds raised from SAM Fiesta. It was a visit that thought some of us the lessons of life that would not be gained easily through books. It was sad to know that there are people who still live in poverty although we have progressed so much. The kids were delighted to see us as they were used to visitors. We were briefed by the person-in-charge on the operation of the centre. He told us something that really caught our attention. He told us what religion is all about. A religion teaches us to help those who are in need especially those children who are unfortunate whom are the leaders of our future generations. When you see someone unfortunate, don't just turn away. Help them out instead of just telling them "Oh hope you will be better. Don't worry, I'll pray you". He calls that a 'sick' religion. I found what he said was really true. Anyone can pray for someone to be better, but it takes a strong heart to help those who are in need instead of just sitting and hoping someone else would help them. We were also made aware that kids as young as primary school children, save their pocket money to contribute to the centre. So the question which rises out of this is not whether or not we are capable of doing it but it is whether or not we are willing to do it?
This visit has made most of us realize how blessed and fortunate we are. We have proper home, we get proper education and we take proper meals as much as we want. We are considered the 20% rich. But when we stop and ponder, we would realize that not everyone are as fortunate as us. Some of these kids live just by RM10 per day. We sometimes spend RM50 a day and yet we complain we do not have enough money. We whine and grumble why do we have to study, why we have so little money, why parents are nagging so much and why do I have to do things that I am not willing to. But we forget that, out there, the unfortunates ones do not even have the opportunity to receive education, to spend time with their parents and sometimes they barely have enough money just to take a single meal. Perhaps it's is time for us to learn to appreciate what we are blessed with. It's time to help those who are in need and contribute something to the community. It may be big or it may be a small contribution. But what really matters, is the willingness and the heart of doing so.
That's all for now. Do check out the Harvest Centre website. The link is http://www.harvestcentre.org/sentul
Appreciate, contribute and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!
June 8, 2010
So-called holiday!!!

April 17, 2010
M.A.D.U made my day once again!!!